Monday, March 12, 2007

Walled Garden Down, Ad Revenue Up

AOL has profited handsomely by moving from a subscription-based revenue model to an ad-based revenue model, and the proof is in this Mediapost article (free subscription required).

I don't think anyone is too surprised that this might occur, but the article might lead one to believe that all the growth comes from, specifically. I was questioning that, and the article is silent on it, leading me to wonder: how much of this revenue growth comes from network cash cow

One amusing part of the article is toward the top where they say:

"The Time Warner unit's decision last year to replace its ailing subscription model with a free service supported by advertising resulted in a 454% surge in billings from 2005 to 2006, compared to a 142% increase in portals overall."

Gee, this makes 142% sound so paltry. But seriously, it is good to be a portal, as Jeff Lanctot at Avenue A confirms in this ClickZ article.

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