No, I am NOT This Guy
When you google my name, you'll get a lot of results, most of which concern me either in a professional capacity or in a baseball addict capacity. Depending on when the spider crawled, the results differ from time to time.
But without fail, the #1 result always reads:
Freedom owner's debt woes multiply
HILDEBRANDT'S DEBTS. Here's what banks and others say they are owed as of Monday by Chuck Hildebrandt:. • Fifth Third Bank, two revolving credit loans were ... - 50k -Cached - Similar pages - Note this
Rest assured, I am NOT this guy, as coincident as his screwing banks, utilities and contractors over his baseball team is to my own love of baseball.
I wonder how many job interview opportunities I've lost because of this?
Chuck, maybe you are that guy but just have told yourself so many times that that is not you that you REALLY believe yourself. This blog was your outlet to LET IT OUT!
This is my Good luck that I found your post which is according to my search and topic, I think you are a great blogger, thanks for helping me out from my problem..
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